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25 November 2020

Ventilation systems strongly recommended


With the start of the cold season, attention is increasingly shifting to schools and the question of how the risk of infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus in classrooms may be reduced. The German Environment Agency recommends frequent air replacement; in schools that do not have ventilation systems, this air exchange should be achieved by opening the windows. The German Environment Agency expressly advises against mobile air purification units as a substitute for ventilation with fresh air. These mobile appliances should only be used in addition to active ventilation. The Passive House Institute endorses this recommendation and draws attention to the advantages of a ventilation system with heat recovery.
Press Release


02 November 2020

Latest trend: healthy living spaces!


Not only is the demand for home ownership increasing, awareness relating to a healthy living environment is also growing. Those participating in the Passive House Open Days will be able to see and experience for themselves how Passive House buildings not only protect the climate but also contribute to a healthy living environment. From 6 till 8 November 2020, residents all around the globe will open their Passive House homes to the public. Many of these offers will be virtual tours, but personal visits are also possible. 
Press Release


13 October 2020

Build better than required by code!


This year the final applause was shared in the chat window: the participants expressed their appreciation for the 24th International Passive House Conference, which was held as an online event for the first time on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past three weeks, more than 800 participants around the world tuned in and listened to the lectures on energy efficient construction and retrofit solutions from their own screens.  The virtual Passive House Café was open 24/7 for international networking. The conference conveyed two important messages, amongst other topics: deep energy retrofits need to be carried out on a broader scale, and construction practices must exceed the mostly inadequate code requirements for energy efficiency. The 25th International Passive House Conference will be held in autumn 2021 in the German city of Wuppertal.
Press Release


22 September 2020

For climate protection and a healthy home!


The opening was a success: for the first time, the Passive House Institute welcomed the participants of the 24th International Passive House Conference in front of their computer screens instead of in a full conference hall. Despite the time difference, viewers from around the world logged into the online conference for the opening plenary. Professor Wolfgang Feist made it clear that energy efficient buildings are an essential aspect of global climate protection. In addition, they have a positive effect on the health of the inhabitants. The climate researcher Professor Stefan Rahmstorf explained that global emissions had to be reduced quickly. Tickets for the conference will continue to be available until 8 October 2020.
Press Release


15 September 2020

Pointing the way – then and now


Construction of the first Passive House in the world started 30 years ago in Darmstadt, Germany. The building physicist Wolfgang Feist had developed the Passive House standard prior to this. In the autumn of 1990, he started putting theory into practice with the construction of the private terraced housing complex. Since then, countless buildings have been built to the climate-friendly Passive House standard around the globe. Current projects and research findings will be presented at the 24th International Passive House Conference from 20 September until 8 October 2020. The Passive House Institute presents ten reasons for attending the online conference.
Press Release


14 August 2020

Hospital a step closer to certification


The world’s first Passive House hospital, currently being built in Frankfurt, Germany, is a step closer to certification: an airtightness test for the building, which spans 78,000 square metres of gross floor area, was extremely successful. The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has been consulting on this pilot project right from the start, including the initial planning phase. It has now been tasked with the certification of the project. A baseline study on the implementation of the Passive House standard in hospitals was carried out in advance by the Passive House Institute on behalf of the German Federal State of Hesse.
Press Release


23 July 2020

Even zoos can be built sustainably!


Registration is now open for the 24th International Passive House Conference with the focal theme "Passive House – Building the future – Sustainably!" The renowned climate scientist Professor Stefan Rahmstorf will give a speech during the opening plenary of the conference , which will begin on 20 September 2020 and is being offered as an online event for the first time. Over the subsequent three weeks, expert talks will be held online two days per week. The Conference will come to a close on 8 October 2020. The online format offers the opportunity to host the Passive House trade exhibition over three weeks. Virtual excursions of inspiring Passive House projects will be offered.
Press Release


30 June 2020

Congratulations for the 1000th certificate


Another success story from the world of energy efficient construction and renovation: the Passive House Institute has recently issued the 1000th certificate for a Passive House component. There is a great range of quality approved building components now available, and many manufacturers have recognised the potential of certified components for energy efficient buildings. Things looked completely different almost thirty years ago when the first Passive House building in the world was being constructed.
Press Release


05 June 2020

"We can still do it!"


Professor Wolfgang Feist opened with a clear message: "We can still halt the climate crisis. To do so, we need to make the right decisions now and then act upon them."  The founder of the Passive House Institute also highlighted the parallels between the COVID-19 and the climate crises. In addition, Feist explained how improved energy efficiency in buildings and a significant change in the areas of mobility and energy could limit the extent of dangerous climate change. "We cannot change the past, but we can change the future! It will be hard work, but we can still do it!"
Press Release


18 May 2020

New first for International Passive House Conference


The 24th International Passive House Conference, planned to take place in Berlin in September this year, will now be offered as a comprehensive online conference. Presentations, workshops, the specialists’ exhibition and building tours that have always been a part of the annual Passive House Conference will remain in the programme. Virtual networking between participants will also be a highlight.

Press Release


30 January 2020

The effort is definitely worth it!


Low operational costs for heating and electricity and a high standard of living comfort are possible at the same time: the latest session of the Research Group for cost-effective Passive Houses addressed the issue of social housing and how it can be implemented in a cost-effective and energy efficient manner. During an associated excursion, many participants visited the PassivhausSozialPlus in Darmstadt which is a nationwide model project for social housing.

Press Release


16 January 2020

Passive House buildings lead the way


The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has announced the Passive House Award 2020 to reward pioneering projects in the field of energy efficient construction. A special focus of the competition will be on integrated renewable energy supply. An international jury panel will select the award winners. The award ceremony will take place during the 24th International Passive House Conference in Berlin.

Press Release

info@passivehouse-international.orgInternational Passive House Association
The international network for Passive House knowledge
Promoting the Passive House Standard worldwide

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