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15 December 2015

Study shows cost saving potential for indoor swimming pools

Measurements in Bamberg prove energy efficiency of Passive House Standard

Passive House indoor pool Darmstadt. Passive House efficiency is a model for the future also for indoor swimming pools. This is demonstrated in a new report on the energy consumption in the "Bambados" in Germany. The running costs for this leisure pool are far below average. The concept is thus successfully providing an opportunity for financial savings, especially relevant for municipalities with limited budgets. The full report is now available online (in German). Further details about this project will be presented at the International Passive House Conference in 2016 in Darmstadt. Press Release


1 December 2015

Climate objectives are realistic with energy efficient buildings

Passive House experts present tried and tested solutions at the COP21 in Paris

COP21 Paris. Whether global climate objectives are met or not largely depends on the building sector. Over a third of the total energy consumption worldwide is used to operate buildings. At the same time, tried and proven solutions with which this consumption can be reduced to about ten percent already exist. How this works will be shown by Passive House experts at the COP21 in Paris.
Press Release: English / Spanish / FrenchGerman / Chinese


12 November 2015

New Passive House Classes to be presented in Barcelona

Workshop on Spanish version of PHPP 9 and designPH at national conference

PHPP 9 in Spanish Darmstadt. The Spanish edition of PHPP 9 will be launched at the Conferencia Espanola Passivhaus in Barcelona on 26 and 27 November. How certification according to the new Passive House Classes can be achieved and what advantages these provide will be shown in various lectures of this event. PHPP 9 and designPH will also be presented in a special workshop on 24 and 25 November. Press Release (Spanish)


10 November 2015

Hundreds of Passive House residents open their doors

International Passive House Days from 13 to 15 November 2015

Passive House Days. Photo: Gauler Darmstadt. A Passive House building combines energy efficiency with high levels of comfort – those wishing to get their own impression will have the chance to do so from 13 to 15 November. During the International Passive House Days event, the doors of hundreds of buildings are open in many countries around the world. Experts will demonstrate how these buildings and houses work, while residents will share their experiences. An overview of buildings being opened to the general public in various cities and regions is provided online at: www.passivehouse-database.org / Press Release


3 November 2015

World's first Passive House Premium now certified

Building in Bavaria is open for visits during International Passive House Days

Passive House Premium in Bavaria Darmstadt. One of the world’s most sustainable buildings stands in Bavaria: as the first of its kind, a mixed residential and commercial project in the town of Kaufbeuren has met the criteria for a Passive House Premium certification. With a heating demand of only 8 kWh/m²a, it is uniquely energy efficient. At the same time, a 250 m² photovoltaic system on the roof produces renewable energy. The doors of this building will be open to the public on 14 and 15 November within the framework of the international Passive House Days 2015. Press Release


30 October 2015

Abstracts selected for International Passive House Conference

Key focus in 2016 will be on long-term experiences and measurements

Scientific Advisory Board of the International Passive House Conference Darmstadt. The Conference Programme of the 20th International Passive House Conference is beginning to take shape: the Scientific Advisory Board has selected the best submissions from 220 entries. An exact list of the planned presentations will be published in December. The conference itself will take place on 22 - 23 April 2016 in Darmstadt, Germany. Press Release


27 October 2015

World's largest EnerPHit building now certified

Innsbruck University project open to public during Passive House Days

EnerPHit building in Innsbruck Innsbruck. A completely modernized university building in Innsbruck, Austria demonstrates the energy saving potential available with refurbishments. Through integrated planning, the heating demand of the building was reduced from 180 kWh/m²a to just 21 kWh/m²a. The project thus meets the criteria of the EnerPHit Standard for retrofits with Passive House components. The certificate was presented at the official reopening. The wider public will have the opportunity to visit the building during the International Passive House Days from 13 to 15 November. Press Release


20 October 2015

Mobile student dorm in Passive House Standard inaugurated

Project in Vienna could serve as a model for low-cost accommodation for refugees

Mobile Passive House Darmstadt. Adaptable housing space is scarce in many cities. Even more so when affordability is decisive. A solution now presented in Vienna could set a precedent: a mobile student dorm. The building consisting of prefabricated residential units can be set up within a few days, for example on plots that are temporarily not in use. The project doesn't just facilitate low rents, it has also achieved the Passive House Standard. And the system could be used in other ways as well – for example as sustainable accommodation for refugees. Press Release


7 October 2015

New Passive House Classes presented at Vancouver conference

Criteria combining energy efficiency and renewables take immediate effect

NAPHN15 Conference Darmstadt/Vancouver. Clearly-defined criteria for combining the international Passive House Standard with renewable energy sources are now applicable: the Passive House Institute's new guidelines for building evaluation have come into effect with the introduction of a new version of the planning tool PHPP at the NAPHN15 Conference in Vancouver. Not only is certification according to the Passive House Classes Plus and Premium now possible worldwide, but the EnerPHit criteria for retrofits are also now applicable in all climates. Press Release


23 September 2015

EU-funded project develops tomorrow's construction tools

Passive House Institute combines BIM-based platform with PHPP and designPH

Built2Spec Darmstadt. In order to close the “performance gap” that often occurs with energy-efficient buildings, 20 partners from across Europe have joined forces in the new Built2Spec project. The aim is to provide construction specialists with tools for mobile applications using smartphones and tablet computers – from easy-to-use
3D visualisation and compact solutions for airtightness measurements to a BIM-based data platform for on-site quality assurance. The Passive House Institute is providing its expertise on energy efficiency. Press Release


16 September 2015

Designing sustainable buildings made fun

English version of PHPP 9 to be presented in Vancouver and London

PHPP 9 Darmstadt. The tried and tested PHPP tool for designing energy efficient buildings is available in a brand-new version. This upgrade not only allows reliable calculation of the energy demand in accordance with internationally applicable criteria, it also takes into account energy generation on or near the building. Over the past few months a German edition of the PHPP 9 has already been successfully used in practice; the English version will be presented at the NAPHN15 conference on 1 - 2 October in Vancouver and at the UK Passivhaus Conference taking place on 20 October in London. European Press Release / North American Press Release


10 September 2015

Passive House residents offer insights into their buildings

Open days in November make visits to many projects around the world possible

Passive House Days Darmstadt. Low-cost, comfortable, sustainable – that's the future-proof formula for the buildings of tomorrow. During the International Passive House Days from 13 to 15 November, everyone will be able to see how this concept is already working, when several hundreds of built examples will be open for viewing. Experts will demonstrate how these buildings function, while residents will talk about their experiences. An overview of the Passive House buildings participating in the Passive House Days event in individual cities and regions around the world can be found on the website www.passivehouse-database.org. Press Release


1 September 2015

Energy efficiency of Passive House city district confirmed

Report on measurements in Heidelberg’s Bahnstadt project now available online

Darmstadt. The Passive House district of Bahnstadt in Heidelberg (Germany) has passed the test: according to a report on recent measurements, the values being strived for in relation to energy efficiency were met in full. In 2014, the average consumption of 1260 housing units with a total living area of more than 75 000 m² was 14.9 kWh/(m²a). The statistically high number of projects built by different property developers and architects convincingly shows that a successful large-scale implementation of the Passive House Standard is possible. Press Release / Full Report


20 August 2015

New eBook on Passive House projects in North America

"Net Zero Energy Buildings: Passive House + Renewables"

New Passive House eBook A new ebook, published by iPHA affiliates in North America, demonstrates that the Passive House pathway is the best way to reach Net Zero. The book was written and edited by Mary James of Low Carbon Productions and produced by Tad Everhart of CertiPHiers Cooperative, in collaboration with NAPHN and the Passive House Institute. The projects presented in the book are noted as Beacons – leading the way. See the new eBook here


11 August 2015

Component Award for ventilation in residential buildings

Cost-effective systems for broad application to be honoured

Component Award 2016 Darmstadt. Ventilation with heat recovery is absolutely essential in energy efficient construction. The application of such systems in practice often fails due to high costs, though. In order to promote low-cost approaches which can facilitate the breakthrough of this key technology in the mass market, the Passive House Institute has announced the Component Award 2016 for ventilation solutions for residential buildings. All-inclusive concepts are being sought for an existing building, which are not only highly energy efficient but also economical. The Award will be presented at the International Passive House Conference 2016 in Darmstadt. Press Release


6 August 2015

Austrian supermarket chain banks on Passive House Standard

Second branch of the company achieves certification for its energy efficiency

Photo: MPREIS Darmstadt/Innsbruck. Maximum energy efficiency pays off. This is also true in the case of supermarket buildings. One of the pioneers in this respect is MPREIS in Tyrol. A second branch of the store belonging to the Austrian company received a Passive House certificate on Tuesday. The experiences gained through a pilot project in Pinswang on the German border were so positive that the Passive House Standard was also chosen for the latest supermarket in Natters near Innsbruck. Two other Passive House supermarkets are already under construction.  Press Release


4 August 2015

First multi-storey building certified to Passive House Plus

Housing complex in Innsbruck combines energy efficiency and renewables

Passive House Plus building in Innsbruck Darmstadt/Innsbruck. The combination of energy efficiency and renewables is the future-proof solution for all buildings, including multi-storey projects – this is demonstrated with a new build in Innsbruck: the apartment complex is the first of its kind to be certified as a Passive House Plus building. This concept is not just based on a theoretical annual energy balance, which is misleading in practice; instead, the actual amount of regionally and seasonally available renewable energy is taken into account so that a completely sustainable supply system becomes possible. Press Release


29 July 2015

Call for Papers: International Passive House Conference 2016

Forum for energy efficient construction returns to Darmstadt on its anniversary

Congress Center Darmstadtium Darmstadt. Big anniversary for the International Passive House Conference: from 22 to 23 April 2016 this central event for energy efficient construction will take place for the twentieth time running. Experts from around the world can now submit their abstracts. A special focus of the event will be on cost-effective systems for home ventilation, but contributions on built projects and innovative concepts are also highly welcome. The conference takes place in Darmstadt – the city in Germany, in which the first Passive House was built in 1991 and where the first international experts' conference on this subject was held five years later. More information / Press Release


16 July 2015

Distinction for the world's first Passive House Plus

New certification category takes into account generation of energy

The first Passive House Plus Darmstadt. A new chapter in energy efficient construction has begun with the certification of a single-family home in southern Germany as the world's first Passive House Plus. The innovative concept of this house combines the tried and tested advantages of the Passive House Standard with the generation of renewable energy on-site or near the building. A Passive House Plus thus constitutes an ideal contribution to climate protection. The clearly defined criteria from the Passive House Institute simultaneously provide reliable guidance for every building owner. Press Release


14 July 2015

Crowdfunding campaign for EnerPHit retrofit in Greece

Passive House Institute will offer free quality assurance and certification

Crowdfunding for Passive House in Greece One very active part of the Greek economy is the Passive House community. In the face of the financial crisis, it is very hard to get funding from banks, though. IPHA partners in Greece have therefore started a crowdfunding campaign for a retrofit project in Athens. The Passive House Institute will assist with free quality assurance and certification. In addition, Wolfgang Feist has offered his personal support: for every Euro that is donated to this campaign from outside Greece, he will add a second Euro (maximum 7.500 Euro) from his private savings. Details on the "Passivistas" campaign


2 July 2015

China’s first Passive House office building now certified

Local stakeholders turning increasingly to energy efficiency

Passive House building in Zhuozhou/China Darmstadt. The Passive House concept has reached yet another milestone in the growing market of China: The countries’ first office building designed to this highly energy efficient standard has been certified. The building owner and occupant is a company, which will produce high-quality Passive House windows under license for the local construction industry. Even though the energy concept was closely coordinated with experts from Europe, the building was developed mainly by Chinese stakeholders, and through the use of local materials. Press Release


27 May 2015

New book presents "Passive House Award" winners

Documentation of the competition also available as a travelling exhibition

Passive House Award Darmstadt. A new book showcasing the winners and finalists of the Passive House Award shows that energy efficient construction is not only profitable, it is also an enrichment for architecture. The book is available in a bound version as well as in digital form as an online flipbook. In addition, all of the award-winning buildings in the international competition in 2014 are presented in a poster exhibition. Press Release


21 May 2015

Special focus on maximising energy efficiency for hot water

Wagner Solar receives the first-ever certificates for drain water heat recovery

Drain water heat recovery Darmstadt. For millions of people, a hot shower in the morning is an essential part of modern life – but it also consumes a lot of energy. In order to contribute to increased efficiency in this area, the Passive House Institute has introduced certification criteria for systems for heat recovery from wastewater. The first certificates to be issued in this context were presented at the International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig. A white paper on the savings potential of drain water heat recovery is available on the online platform Passipedia. Press Release


23 April 2015

Building efficiency is key to a sustainable energy future

Passive House Conference demonstrates potential of new builds and retrofits

Congress Center Leipzig Leipzig. Energy efficient construction has never been so easy – and this is due to the increasing availability of suitable components. The key focus at the International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig was on the latest developments in this area. Experts from around the world presented the enormous savings potential of certified windows, insulation systems and ventilation systems, and demonstrated their practical implementation. The lectures on 17 and 18 April clarified the importance of well-conceived and consistent action in the building sector for a successful transition to a sustainable energy future. Press Release / Conference Review


17 April 2015

Solutions for energy efficiency and climate protection

International experts on sustainable construction and refurbishment gather in Leipzig

Congress Center Leipzig Leipzig. Efficiency and renewable energy – that's the ideal combination for a sustainable energy future. The International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig demonstrates how this is possible in the building sector. On 17 and 18 April, speakers from all over the world present the latest concepts and developments. The main focus is on exemplary new build and retrofit projects in various climate zones, in addition to individual components for thermal protection of the building envelope or correct balancing of the gains from a photovoltaic system. Press Release


13 April 2015

Pioneer Award for 1970s energy efficient house in Canada

Project manager Harold Orr to be honored at International Passive House Conference

The Saskatchewan Conservation House Darmstadt. This year's Pioneer Award, which recognizes the trailblazers of energy efficient construction, will go to Canada. In particular, the Saskatchewan Conservation House will be recognized, with which many features of the modern Passive House Standard were successfully tested in 1977. Against the backdrop of the oil crisis at the time, a broad team of experts looked at possibilities to significantly reduce the consumption of heating oil. Their studies showed that it was mainly a question of thermal protection of the building envelope. Canadian mechanical engineer, Harold Orr, one of the driving forces behind this project, will receive the Pioneer Award at the International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig. Press Release


31 March 2015

Passive House Conference: Solutions for a sustainable future

International building experts to gather in Leipzig, Germany on 17 - 18 April 2015

Passive House School in Leipzig Darmstadt. The successful transition to a sustainable energy future depends vitally on the building sector – more than a third of total energy is consumed in buildings. The International Passive House Conference 2015 will demonstrate how this consumption can be reduced significantly. Experts from all over the world will present their latest projects and approaches on 17 and 18 April at the Congress Center in the city of Leipzig. The patron of this event is the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel. Press Invitation


25 March 2015

Energy efficient windows for retrofits receive Component Award

Winners to be honoured on 17 April at the International Passive House Conference

Winner of Component Award 2015 Darmstadt. The winners of the second Component Award, this year for Passive House windows for energy efficient solutions in the context of retrofits, have been selected. The joint first prize went to Optiwin for their "System Connecta" and Lorber / Pro Passivhaus-fenster for their "Smartwin Compact S" window. The main challenge in this competition was that the product had to show a degree of flexibility since refurbishments are often carried out in a step-by-step manner. Therefore, ideal windows had to deliver excellent results during the transitional period as well as after the completion of all refurbishment measures. The award will be presented on 17 April at the International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig. Press Release


19 March 2015

New categories for the certification of Passive House buildings  

Evaluation of efficiency takes place according to renewable primary energy system

The new Passive House categories Darmstadt. Renewable energy is the ideal complement to the efficiency of the Passive House Standard. In order to provide reliable guidance for this combination, the Passive House Institute introduces two new categories for its building certification; in addition to the established Passive House Classic, there will be the Passive House Plus and Passive House Premium classes. A new evaluation procedure which also considers energy generation by the building itself will serve as a basis for this. The exact certification criteria and calculation details according to the renewable primary energy (PER) system are available on the online resource PassipediaPress Release


18 March 2015

Number of Passive House tradespersons hits thousand mark 

Course providers deliver the right practical skills internationally

Passive House Tradespersons Darmstadt. More and more tradespersons are equipping themselves for the future as the number of certified experts for energy-efficient Passive House construction reaches the thousand mark. This spring alone, more than 200 specialists in 12 countries have taken the Passive House Tradesperson examination. The seal, issued by the Passive House Institute, is increasingly establishing itself as independent proof of competence in the areas of building envelope and building services. More on this at the 19th International Passive House Conference in Leipzig. Press Release


26 February 2015

Passive House Conference with many offers for municipalities

Results of EU funded project PassREg to be presented as part of the programme

International Passive House Conference Darmstadt. The success of the energy revolution will largely be decided at the local level. The building sector is especially important here because this is where a third of the total energy is consumed. Opportunities for greater efficiency in cities and municipalities will be one of the main topics at the International Passive House Conference, which will take place from 17 to 18 April in Leipzig. Municipal representatives will be able to attend lectures addressing their specific needs. Speakers from many European countries will also present the results of the EU funded project PassREg (Passive House Regions with Renewable Energies). Press Release


29 January 2015

New EU project Sinfonia looks to refurbishment master plans

Passive House Institute to measure energy savings

EU project Sinfonia Darmstadt. Institutions across Europe are working together in the EU-funded project Sinfonia in order to develop feasible energy refurbishment concepts for cities. For the demo cities Innsbruck and Bolzano master plans are prepared and implemented at the urban district level. The energy savings are being monitored by the Passive House Institute, which is also participating in the individual refurbishment projects by providing consulting and certification services and by looking at the electrical efficiency in households. Press Release / Sinfonia Website

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