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iPHA Affiliate Organisations


Think globally, act locally:


The criteria and methodologies for the Passive House Standard are defined and developed by the Passive House Institute. iPHA and its affiliates work to spread awareness and implementation of this Passive House Standard in their respective region and internationally. The iPHA network works in close cooperation amongst all iPHA affiliates and its member base, as well as Passive House professionals and course providers, accredited Passive House certifiers and the Passive House Institute itself.


All iPHA affiliates are independent, member-driven organisations. An affiliate organisation does not exclusively represent a geographic region and multiple affiliate organisations can be, and are, active to promote the Passive House Standard in the same country. 


iPHA pre-affiliation is available for developing organisations that don’t yet meet the full affiliation criteria. A list of accredited iPHA pre-affiliates is located here.


Please see below for current Affiliates.



info@passivehouse-international.orgInternational Passive House Association
The international network for Passive House knowledge
Promoting the Passive House Standard worldwide

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