Welcome to the International Passive House Association (iPHA) website!


iPHA is a global network of Passive House stakeholders, including architects, planners, scientists, suppliers, manufacturers, policymakers, contractors, property developers and more! We work to promote the Passive House Standard and foster a greater public understanding of highly energy-efficient buildings.


Our membership network encourages the exchange of Passive House knowledge, providing members with a range of benefits and advocating for Passive House in policy, the media, amongst the general public and the entire range of construction professionals.


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Book for the 3rd Passive House Award published as a flipbook: Browse through the Passive House variety!


The flipbook for the "3rd Passive House Architecture Award" documents the 20 finalists who reached the final round at the jury meeting. Among them are the ten prize winners and four special prize winners. We cordially invite you to take a look at these projects, which are particularly appealing in terms of design, from around the globe. Browse through the diversity of Passive Houses! Have a look at the flipbook here








Press Releases


New tool facilitates first steps towards retrofitting

The planning phase is where all the important decisions are made before any deep renovation project is executed. outPHit is supporting building owners in this regard with its newly released Decision Support Tool. The web-based tool provides guidance on energy-efficient renovation, allowing for a comparison of various retrofit concepts as they apply to the building in question. This makes it easier for those involved in the construction process to find a suitable retrofit concept for their building at the start of the planning phase. The Decision Support Tool is now available in English, free of charge.
Press Release




Amazed by the new indoor climate


At the ‘Smart Retrofitting’ event in Darmstadt, Germany, the building owners described the entirely different kind of living comfort as ‘incredible’. Now, noise also remains outside. Over 40 energy consultants accepted the invitation to the ‘Passive House on Tour’ kick-off event and listened intently as the family reported on the positive changes in their energy-efficient home retrofit. The aim of the new ‘Passive House on Tour’ series is to present highly energy-efficient projects in theory as well as in practice and to support the implementation of a high level of energy efficiency on site. Further events are in preparation.
Press Release





outPHit announced as finalist in European Sustainable Energy Awards


    outPHit has just been confirmed as one of three finalists shortlisted for the 2024 European Sustainable Energy (EUSEW) Awards in the Innovation category. Through the project, 25 case studies across five European countries are demonstrating how high-performance, deep retrofits to the EnerPHit standard can be made faster and more cost-effective.
Press Release





Energy retrofits work. Really well.


"It's the existing buildings that matter!" From the start of the 27th International Passive House Conference in Innsbruck, the Passive House Institute emphasised the importance of highly energy-efficient renovations for climate protection. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz from the IPCC also called for renovations and new builds to focus exclusively on high energy efficiency. The international speakers presented successful projects and showed solutions for unusual challenges such as special climatic conditions or monument protection. The Passive House exhibition, evening events, workshops and four excursions rounded off the conference with the focus: "Retrofit. Have an impact."
Press Release




Getting down to business!


Every building can be renovated to be energy-efficient, and every renovation step counts. This will be demonstrated at the 27th International Passive House Conference, which will begin immediately after Easter. Following its focal theme, "Retrofit. Have an impact", the conference will present the successful transformation of buildings with high energy consumption into climate-friendly structures with low energy costs and a high living comfort. There will also be excursions and workshops, including a free offer for municipalities. The trade exhibition with Passive House components is also open to the public on both days. Here is an overview of the highlights of the conference programme.
Press Release





Does anyone offer higher savings?   


    After a deep retrofit, a typical apartment block from the post-war era has become a model for energy-efficient buildings. The Passive House Institute carried out scientific monitoring of the project in Giessen, Germany, and has now published its research report. The measured data shows that indeed, energy consumption for space heating already decreased by over 70 per cent in the first year after the renovation, and even decreased by over 80 per cent by the third year. Deep retrofits will also take the centre stage at the 27th International Passive House Conference in April.
Press Release






Deep retrofit and everyone benefits


    Retrofits are the key to climate protection in the building sector. In order to support the uptake of retrofit solutions, the Passive House Institute’s 27th International Passive House Conference will take place with a focus on significantly improving the energy performance of existing buildings to the EnerPHit standard. The conference will take place from 5 to 7 April in Innsbruck, Austria and it also includes a Passive House specialists' exhibition. The conference programme is now online and the ticket shop is open. An early bird rate is available for anyone registering soon.
Press Release





Make your own judgement! 


    Residents are opening their Passive House buildings for the 20th time. Interested parties can see the benefits of high energy efficiency for themselves. The Passive House Open Days will again take place on the second weekend in November. From 10 to 12 November 2023, many buildings around the world will be open to the public. Residents also present their homes in a video.
Press Release







Retrofit. Have an impact.


    The 27th International Passive House Conference will be held in April 2024 in Innsbruck in Austria! The focal theme of the conference will be "Retrofit. Have an impact.” In order to effectively bring the building sector on course towards climate protection, reliable energy retrofits are indispensable. The conference will take place at the University of Innsbruck. The Call for Papers is open until the beginning of September 2023.
Press Release






Efficiency promotes social justice


    Highly energy-efficient buildings are indispensable for climate protection. The 26th International Passive House Conference demonstrated that a high energy efficiency is also necessary for other reasons: social justice, good air quality for example in schools and health care buildings, and protecting the power grid against overloading are other good reasons to build and retrofit buildings in a better way.
Press Release




Forward into the future!


    Next week, the 26th International Passive House Conference will be all about better ways to construct and retrofit buildings. In line with the offered workshop on highly energy-efficient healthcare buildings, one of five excursions will take participants on a tour of the Passive House hospital in Frankfurt. Special offers are available for students and municipalities. The conference will also include the EnergyEfficiency Forum. This trade exhibition for highly energy efficient components offers a diverse programme, and admission is free. The conference will be held in Wiesbaden, Germany. Online participation is also possible.
Press Release





There's no way around efficiency!


    As the host of the 26th International Passive House Conference, the Passive House Institute is looking forward to welcoming participants in Wiesbaden, Germany. With the focus "Efficiency NOW!", the research institute emphasizes that there is no alternative to making buildings more energy efficient as quickly as possible. The renovation of existing buildings, in particular, offers great potential for climate protection. The conference will take place from 10 to 12 March 2023, the conference programme is available online, and the ticket shop is open. The specialists' exhibition for Passive House components, which is accessible to everyone free of charge, is also a part of the conference. Online participation in the conference is also possible.
Press Release




Quality control for highly energy-efficient refurbishments


    The EU project outPHit has now made three concepts for quality assurance in renovations available. The aim is for retrofits to reliably achieve a high level of energy efficiency. The three concepts cover the entire refurbishment process: from planning through preparation for execution to verification of actual energy consumption upon completion.
Press Release





Emulation highly recommended


    The EU-funded project SINFONIA has enabled comprehensive energy retrofits to be carried out in Innsbruck in Austria and Bozen in Italy. The heating energy savings are substantial, with an average of 77 percent saved in the projects in Innsbruck. At the same time, the building retrofits now offer significantly greater thermal comfort. SINFONIA has thus provided proof of the enormous potential of deep retrofits for saving energy and protecting the climate. These insights will be transferred to other cities in Europe. The Passive House Institute presented 13 certificates in Innsbruck confirming the high level of energy efficiency of the retrofitted projects.
Press Release





When, if not now?


    Energy costs are currently at a record high and a cause of great concern for many people. Highly energy-efficient buildings provide advantages: they require much less energy for heating and cooling, saving residents a lot of money on energy costs in this way. Climate protection also benefits from the lower energy consumption of buildings. It is therefore worthwhile, especially now, to focus on a high level of energy-efficiency. Passive House buildings around the world will be open to visitors during the Passive House Open Days from 11 to 13 November.
Press Release




Special feature: 4 x Passive House!


    Climate-friendly buildings are becoming increasingly popular: a higher energy efficient standard means lower energy consumption, resulting in lower energy costs and less carbon emissions. The Passive House Institute has registered a worldwide increase in projects. Certification is voluntary but plays a central role in quality assurance. The research institute in Darmstadt recently awarded Passive House certificates to four special projects: two multi-family complexes in Munich, Germany, and the first two Passive House buildings to be certified in Argentina.
Press Release



Especially now! Energy efficiency pays off!


    And the winner is Wiesbaden! The 26th International Passive House Conference will be held in the state capital of Hesse in 2023. #EfficiencyNOW will be the focal theme of the event. The Conference will demonstrate how buildings that use very little energy for heating and cooling can be supplied with renewable energy reliably and at scale, a timely topic. The Conference will take place in person in Wiesbaden from March 10-11, 2023. Simultaneously, online events will be available. The Call for Papers is open until 2 September 2022. The event will be held under the auspice of the Minister of Economic Affairs of the German state of Hesse. 
Press Release



Hospital 3.0: modern and energy-efficient


    This modern and climate-friendly hospital in Germany truly is part of a new generation. The new building of the Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst has been successfully implemented to meet the Passive House standard. This makes it the first hospital in the world to receive a Passive House certificate. The Minister of Economic Affairs of the German state of Hesse, Tarek Al-Wazir, presented the certificate together with the Passive House Institute. He praised the building for its energy-efficient performance which far surpasses the statutory requirements. The Passive House Institute had previously prepared a baseline study for this pilot project and it accompanied the new build.
Press Release



"A Passive House Masterpiece"


    This campus sets new standards: trainees acquire skills in modern workshops in a highly climate-friendly building. In a first for Germany, the Chamber of Crafts of the city of Trier has built its new training centre to the Passive House standard. It has now been awarded the Passive House certificate. The state prime minister commended this highly efficient new build a "Passive House Masterpiece". The campus has drawn attention nationwide.
Press Release



Reliable partner for energy balancing!


    The energy demand of a building can be reliably calculated using the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). The Passive House Institute has developed the 10th version of the PHPP, which is now also available in English. PHPP 10 contains helpful new add-ons and features for the energy balancing of highly efficient buildings. The new features will be presented in detail in a webinar on Wednesday, 25 May 2022. Members of iPHA will be able to attend free of charge.
Press Release




Let’s save fossil energy! NOW!


    The call of the hour is to save fossil energy. To achieve this goal quickly, the Passive House Institute has started the #EfficiencyNOW campaign. The research institute explains how each one of us can contribute towards becoming more independent of fossil energy, and ultimately phasing it out altogether. On Passipedia, the Institute provides guidelines on how to go about this.
Press Release




It’s good for the climate! And for us!


    The topic of energy efficiency is often woefully neglected in discussions on climate protection. However, buildings-related emissions can only be significantly reduced by consuming less energy for heating and cooling. The Passive House Institute presents its proposed solutions for a climate-friendly building stock in three “building blocks”: A substantially higher level of energy efficiency of buildings; on-site generation of renewable energy; and a change in the political framework conditions. This also means that mediocre quality of energy efficiency measures should no longer receive funding. In Germany, for example, the government has just decided to discontinue the subsidy for new builds of mediocre quality of energy efficiency.
Press Release



outPHit makes retrofits easier!


      A deep energy retrofit need not be complicated. Rather, the building project requires planning and patience. A wave of retrofits at scale is indispensable for the building sector to effectively contribute to climate protection. This is precisely what the European Union is focusing on: the outPHit project aims to simplify retrofits and to reliably implement highly energy efficient buildings. 17 model projects throughout Europe are ready to be retrofitted.
Press Release




Center stage for Passive House at COP26


      Buildings are significant contributors to worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. The UN’s climate conference COP26 in Glasgow is an important occasion to present available solutions and enable climate action. The Passive House standard is taking centre stage in Glasgow, featuring in several events and participating in the Global Alliance for Building and Construction's programme. The International Passive House Association (iPHA) is organising a free tour on November 8, visiting highly energy efficient buildings across the city. Additionally, attendees have the opportunity to take part in a Passive House workshop. Many events at COP26 are live streamed.
Press Release




British Columbia, Bradford and Bavaria!


      A high level of energy efficiency is the key to better buildings: climate protection in the building sector will only be successful if buildings use significantly less energy for heating and cooling. Residents of Passive House buildings around the world are inviting visitors into their homes from 5 till 7 November 2021. Numerous opportunities for visiting have been entered into the Passive House Institute's project database, ranging from British Columbia in Canada to Bradford in the UK and the German state of Bavaria. Visitors can experience the climate-friendly buildings that provide comfortable and healthy living at the same time. Opportunities for visiting will be possible both in person and virtually. The world's first Passive House in Darmstadt, Germany, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year and takes part with an online presentation.
Press Release





30 years old - more relevant than ever! 


      Passive House is celebrating its 30th birthday – and is more relevant than ever before. The 25th International Passive House Conference demonstrated how important it is to implement climate protection in buildings on a large scale. The Passive House Institute emphasised the key role that energy efficiency plays for climate-compatible building stock. The atmosphere became celebratory during the triple jubilee and the presentation of the Passive House Award 2021. Towards the end, the Passive House Institute announced that the 26th International Passive House Conference would take place in Spring 2023.
Press Release





That's what (efficient) winners look like!


      The ceremony for the 2021 Passive House Award was held online this time, but was equally exciting. During the 25th International Passive House Conference in the Historic Town Hall of the city of Wuppertal, the Passive House Institute presented the Passive House Award to 14 awardees from nine countries. Most of them participated in the ceremony via video stream and celebrated online.
Press Release





Highly efficient and very impressive 


The winners of the Passive House Award 2021 will be announced this Friday. The jury of the international architecture competition has already selected 20 finalists. Within the framework of the 25th International Passive House Conference, the Passive House Institute will present a total of 14 awards to the architects of the highly efficient and impressive buildings. The awards ceremony will take place at the Historic City Hall in the German city of Wuppertal. It can be followed live online together with the opening plenary and the jubilee celebrations of the conference.
Press Release



Clear the stage for better building 


The 25th International Passive House Conference is confirmed to take place. The flexible concept allows to invite to the anniversary conference even under changing conditions. The conference starts 10 September 2021, both in-person in Wuppertal (Germany) and online. In-person meetings are currently permitted in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Should the authorities decide different at short notice, the first part of the conference will be offered as an online event exclusively. Tickets can be changed easily. Festivities are planned for this year: all participants are invited to celebrate a triple anniversary, as well as the presentation of the Passive House Award.
Press Release




Energy efficiency: clear winner 


The staggering result of the Glasgow Ice Box Challenge was visible just by looking inside the two boxes: There was no ice left in the box built to the Scottish building standard for five days prior to the final weigh in, while two big blocks remained in the Passive House box. Two weeks before, each of the boxes had been filled with 917 kg of ice to demonstrate the benefits of better building. The result: While all the ice had melted in the Scottish code box after eleven days, 121 kilograms of ice remained in the Passive House box.
Press Release






Keeping cool in Glasgow this summer


The Scottish city of Glasgow is preparing for the United Nations’ climate summit at the end of this year. This summer, the city will host the Ice Box Challenge to demonstrate the advantages of highly energy efficient buildings like Passive Houses: they save substantial amounts of energy and offer a high level of living comfort in summer and winter. The event offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about energy efficient buildings and to take part in a contest.
Press Release



Passive House meets social goals


The United Nations set 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be reached by 2030. Envisioned as a ‘‘blueprint to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for all’’, the goals cover a wide array of fields and topics. With a new article and accompanying infographic, the International Passive House Association illustrates how highly energy efficient buildings built to the Passive House standard play a direct role in achieving these global aims.
Press Release



We can do it - with efficiency! 


Registration is now open for the 25th International Passive House Conference. The main theme of this year’s anniversary version of the conference is "Passive House - the key to sustainable construction". Highly energy efficient buildings are the basis for a climate-compatible building stock. The conference will begin on 10 September 2021 and will take place simultaneously in Wuppertal and online. Participants can look forward to further celebrations besides the jubilee conference: the 30th anniversary of the world's first Passive House building, the 25th anniversary of the Passive House Institute, as well as the presentation of the Passive House Award 2021.
Press Release




Happy Birthday, Passive House! 


The Passive House is celebrating its 30th birthday this year! Starting as an experiment, great credit can be given to this pioneering project by Professor Wolfgang Feist: at a time when only very few people thought about climate protection, it paved the way for energy efficiency in buildings. Today, the Passive House Standard has been implemented throughout the world and shines particularly brightly in beacon projects globally. More reasons for celebrating: the 25th anniversary of the Passive House Institute and the jubilee edition of the International Passive House Conference. 
Press Release




Course of action: Passive House


The Passive House Institute has announced the Passive House Award 2021 which highlights pioneering projects of energy efficient construction. Special consideration will be given to the renewable energy supply of the buildings by an international panel of judges. Quality assurance of the building through certification is a prerequisite for participation in the Passive House Award 2021. The award will be presented during the 25th International Passive House Conference in September which will be held in Wuppertal and online.
Press Release



The International Passive House Association and its partner organisations launch the global “Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy” campaign today. Using the hashtag #EfficiencyFirst, the campaign aims to raise awareness for the vital role energy efficiency in buildings plays in meeting our climate goals. The campaign also demon-strates that energy efficient buildings provide a comfortable, healthy and sustainable built environment. The launch includes a competition for social media followers.
Press Release



The key to a healthy climate


The 25th International Passive House Conference will take place from September 10-11th in Wuppertal, Germany, under the patronage of Andreas Pinkwart, North Rhine Westphalia's State Minister for Economic Affairs. Only buildings with a low energy demand for heating and cooling will put us on the path to efficient climate protection. By reducing the energy demand, we can ensure that our building stock’s energy needs can be fully met by renewable energy sources, long term and at large scale. Encompassing this idea is this year’s International Passive House Conference and complementary exhibition, which bare the motto "Passive House - The key to sustainable buildings!”
Press Release



Ventilation systems strongly recommended


With the start of the cold season, attention is increasingly shifting to schools and the question of how the risk of infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus in classrooms may be reduced. The German Environment Agency recommends frequent air replacement; in schools that do not have ventilation systems, this air exchange should be achieved by opening the windows. The German Environment Agency expressly advises against mobile air purification units as a substitute for ventilation with fresh air. These mobile appliances should only be used in addition to active ventilation. The Passive House Institute endorses this recommendation and draws attention to the advantages of a ventilation system with heat recovery.
Press Release




Latest trend: healthy living spaces!


Not only is the demand for home ownership increasing, awareness relating to a healthy living environment is also growing. Those participating in the Passive House Open Days will be able to see and experience for themselves how Passive House buildings not only protect the climate but also contribute to a healthy living environment. From 6 till 8 November 2020, residents all around the globe will open their Passive House homes to the public. Many of these offers will be virtual tours, but personal visits are also possible. 
Press Release




Build better than required by code!


This year the final applause was shared in the chat window: the participants expressed their appreciation for the 24th International Passive House Conference, which was held as an online event for the first time on account of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past three weeks, more than 800 participants around the world tuned in and listened to the lectures on energy efficient construction and retrofit solutions from their own screens.  The virtual Passive House Café was open 24/7 for international networking. The conference conveyed two important messages, amongst other topics: deep energy retrofits need to be carried out on a broader scale, and construction practices must exceed the mostly inadequate code requirements for energy efficiency. The 25th International Passive House Conference will be held in autumn 2021 in the German city of Wuppertal.
Press Release




For climate protection and a healthy home!


The opening was a success: for the first time, the Passive House Institute welcomed the participants of the 24th International Passive House Conference in front of their computer screens instead of in a full conference hall. Despite the time difference, viewers from around the world logged into the online conference for the opening plenary. Professor Wolfgang Feist made it clear that energy efficient buildings are an essential aspect of global climate protection. In addition, they have a positive effect on the health of the inhabitants. The climate researcher Professor Stefan Rahmstorf explained that global emissions had to be reduced quickly. Tickets for the conference will continue to be available until 8 October 2020.
Press Release



Pointing the way – then and now


Construction of the first Passive House in the world started 30 years ago in Darmstadt, Germany. The building physicist Wolfgang Feist had developed the Passive House standard prior to this. In the autumn of 1990, he started putting theory into practice with the construction of the private terraced housing complex. Since then, countless buildings have been built to the climate-friendly Passive House standard around the globe. Current projects and research findings will be presented at the 24th International Passive House Conference from 20 September until 8 October 2020. The Passive House Institute presents ten reasons for attending the online conference.
Press Release



Hospital a step closer to certification


The world’s first Passive House hospital, currently being built in Frankfurt, Germany, is a step closer to certification: an airtightness test for the building, which spans 78,000 square metres of gross floor area, was extremely successful. The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has been consulting on this pilot project right from the start, including the initial planning phase. It has now been tasked with the certification of the project. A baseline study on the implementation of the Passive House standard in hospitals was carried out in advance by the Passive House Institute on behalf of the German Federal State of Hesse.
Press Release



Even zoos can be built sustainably!


Registration is now open for the 24th International Passive House Conference with the focal theme "Passive House – Building the future – Sustainably!" The renowned climate scientist Professor Stefan Rahmstorf will give a speech during the opening plenary of the conference , which will begin on 20 September 2020 and is being offered as an online event for the first time. Over the subsequent three weeks, expert talks will be held online two days per week. The Conference will come to a close on 8 October 2020. The online format offers the opportunity to host the Passive House trade exhibition over three weeks. Virtual excursions of inspiring Passive House projects will be offered.
Press Release



 Congratulations for the 1000th certificate


Another success story from the world of energy efficient construction and renovation: the Passive House Institute has recently issued the 1000th certificate for a Passive House component. There is a great range of quality approved building components now available, and many manufacturers have recognised the potential of certified components for energy efficient buildings. Things looked completely different almost thirty years ago when the first Passive House building in the world was being constructed.
Press Release





"We can still do it!"


Professor Wolfgang Feist opened with a clear message: "We can still halt the climate crisis. To do so, we need to make the right decisions now and then act upon them."  The founder of the Passive House Institute also highlighted the parallels between the COVID-19 and the climate crises. In addition, Feist explained how improved energy efficiency in buildings and a significant change in the areas of mobility and energy could limit the extent of dangerous climate change. "We cannot change the past, but we can change the future! It will be hard work, but we can still do it!"
Press Release





New first for International Passive House Conference


The 24th International Passive House Conference, planned to take place in Berlin in September this year, will now be offered as a comprehensive online conference. Presentations, workshops, the specialists’ exhibition and building tours that have always been a part of the annual Passive House Conference will remain in the programme. Virtual networking between participants will also be a highlight.

Press Release






The effort is definitely worth it!


Low operational costs for heating and electricity and a high standard of living comfort are possible at the same time: the latest session of the Research Group for cost-effective Passive Houses addressed the issue of social housing and how it can be implemented in a cost-effective and energy efficient manner. During an associated excursion, many participants visited the PassivhausSozialPlus in Darmstadt which is a nationwide model project for social housing.

Press Release




Passive House buildings lead the way

The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt has announced the Passive House Award 2020 to reward pioneering projects in the field of energy efficient construction. A special focus of the competition will be on integrated renewable energy supply. An international jury panel will select the award winners. The award ceremony will take place during the 24th International Passive House Conference in Berlin.

Press Release




Better homes with less energy

Saving energy is comparatively easy in the case of buildings: these can be built so that they will not use much energy in the first place. If renewable energy is added to the mix, then sustainability is optimally implemented: “Building the future – sustainably!", this is the focal theme of the 24th International Passive House Conference 2020 in Berlin. The German Federal Ministry of Economics has assumed patronage for the conference. The call for papers has begun.

  Press Release




"1.5 degrees is still possible!"

The 23rd International Passive House Conference’s keynote speakers unanimously agreed that putting "energy efficiency first" is necessary to achieve the Paris Agreement’s objectives. For the first time, the annual Conference was held outside of Europe, in Gaobeidian, China. For the Passive House Institute and its partners, the conference was a success. At the close of the Conference, the Passive House Institute announced the "2020 Passive House Award" for excellence in Passive House architecture; the award ceremony will take place at the 24th Passive House Conference in Berlin.
  Press Release





Climate protection with comfort bonus

More climate protection in the building section is also one of the demands made by the climate activists of Fridays for Future. Extremely energy efficient buildings are part of the solution for more climate protection. Visitors will soon be able to experience first-hand, how little energy is actually required in Passive House buildings: Passive House residents around the world will be inviting the public into their homes during the Passive House Open Days from 8 till 10 November 2019.
  Press Release






Passive House social housing project winner of this year's Stirling Prize!



The Royal Institue of British Architects has awarded the 2019 RIBA Stirling Prize for UK's best new building to a Passive House development. Goldsmith Street, developed by Mikhail Riches with Cathy Hawley, comprises 100 highly energy-efficient Passive House homes in the city of Norwich. The low energy consumption not only saves the residents a lot of money but also makes the houses highly sustainable and climate-friendly. Stylistically, the design pays homage to Norwich's history while embracing the future. It combines the creamy clay bricks of Victorian terrace houses with modern Passive House building techniques. Having RIBA award this project with their esteemed prize is a testament to the tradition-steeped organisation's transition into one of the most progressive and sustainably-minded architectural associations. Photo Credit: Tim Crocker

Press Release




A new addition: energy efficiency!

The two buildings are used completely differently, but they have one important thing in common: both buildings have achieved the EnerPHit standard after an energy retrofit. The Passive House Institute recently presented the certificate for the EnerPHit retrofit of a supermarket in the Austrian town of Prutz. About 7800 kilometres away, a clothing factory in Sri Lanka also received a certificate for a successful energy efficient modernisation. This pilot project in the tropical climate will be presented in October at the 23rd International Passive House Conference in China.
  Press Release






China aims for high energy efficiency

China is building on a vast scale. This fact becomes apparent in Gaobeidian, a city about a hundred kilometres south of the capital, Beijing. Here, the Passive House district Bahnstadt with over 20 high-rise buildings and many multi-family houses is currently under construction. This is where the Passive House Institute, together with its partners, is inviting everyone to attend the 23rd International Passive House Conference. The theme: "Passive House worldwide". The Conference Programme is online, registration is now possible. The early booking discount is available until the end of July. The Passive House Institute offers a service webinar for questions regarding the conference.

  Press Release




"Time to think of the national economy"

The measuring device showed more than 84 decibels! It was clear that the story about the improvised Blower-Door test in Kazakhstan was the winner of the first-ever Passive House Slam at the Passive House Conference in Heidelberg. The mayor of Walldorf received the most applause during an earlier panel discussion. Mayor Christiane Staab demanded that for climate protection and society in general it was necessary to think in terms of the national economy rather than business economics. At the conclusion, Dr Wolfgang Feist invited the participants to the 23rd International Passive House Conference in China in October. He also revealed the city that will host the 2020 Conference

  Press Release





Plenty of steam around extractors

In a new study, the Passive House Institute focuses on systems for vapour extractors, with the research report also resulting in a handbook for extractor hoods in Passive House buildings. This contains the key principles for a compatible system and its dimensioning. Research findings will be presented during the Passive House Conference "Achieve Better Buildings!" at the begining of May in Heidelberg. The Institute will also present the findings at the 23rd International Passive House Conference in China in autumn 2019. 
  Press Release



Passive House videos:


Passive House Explained in 90 seconds by Hans-Jörg Eich



Passive Passion, documentary by Charlie Hoxie



info@passivehouse-international.orgInternational Passive House Association
The international network for Passive House knowledge
Promoting the Passive House Standard worldwide

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