Passive House Legislation & Funding


In the following section, you will find a list of cities and administrative districts that already stipulate the Passive House standard in their building regulations. We have also included details on financial support available for Passive House projects in certain countries.

This list is always growing. Should you know of any new legislation or funding programmes in your region or better yet, links to them, please let iPHA know by writing to, keyword: legislation or funding


The examples provided serve to illustrate the possibilities and encourage uptake of such mechanisms in other countries. The information provided here is to be used as a rough guide only. As such, iPHA cannot guarantee that it is either complete or up-to-date.


10 point plan

The Passive House Institute has also published a position paper with recommendations detailing how cities and communities can effectively take their commitment forward.


Policy tools

The International Passive House Association and the Passive House Institute provide a variety of tools for policymakers and relevant actors.


Defining the Nearly Zero Energy Building: Passive House + renewables - PassREg Municipalities lead the way

An accessible informational brochure providing strong examples of how municipalities can implement NZEBs through the use of Passive House and renewables. Ideal to be shared with local policymakers and municipal representatives in assisting in defining the Nearly Zero Energy Building.

(available in English and German)


Energy efficiency of the Passive House Standard: expectations confirmed by measurements in practice  (available in English and German)

 A comprehensive report showing the planning reliability of the Passive House Standard and its suitability for municipalities to avoid the performance gap!


iPHA does not take any liability for the correctness of the information below.


AT | BE |CA | DE | ES | IE | IT | LU | NO | US




The Bank of Australia Clean Energy Home Loan offers a 0.40% p.a. discount off the interest rate for up to five years, to all eligible buyers, builders, as well as for people planning sustainable upgrades of houses complying with the Passive House standard. Moreover, the qualifiers of a Bank of Australia Clean Energy Home Loan will receive an interest rate discount on their Premium Home Loan Package. For information regarding qualification criteria and the Premium Home Loan Package click here.


New South Wales

On 27 November 2020, the Australian Passive House Association (APHA) announced that BASIX now recognises the Passive House Standard as a pathway to meeting the thermal comfort requirements of the NSW State Environmental Planning Policy.

The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) is one of Australia’s strongest sustainable planning measures and has been required in NSW since 2004. It requires all projects to meet requirements for energy, thermal comfort and water with the aim of encouraging sustainable residential development.

Until now, all projects seeking approval in New South Wales were required to either use NatHERS or the BASIX DIY tool to prove that their design would achieve the thermal comfort requirements of BASIX.

The removal of this cost impost of Passive House projects having to undertake modelling in multiple software packages is a win for designers and consumers.

Click here to read APHA's media release to discover more.




Lower Austria
On 23 January 2008, the State Parliament of Lower Austria resolved to implement the Passive House Standard for all public buildings. This directive applies to both new builds and retrofit projects. The State Parliament of Lower Austria budgeted 130 million euros to complete these construction measures. Read more (in German)

In October of 2007, several municipalities in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg pledged to plan and construct all new public buildings to the Passive House Standard. These municipalities are Altach, Bregenz, Dornbirn, Frastanz, Götzis, Hörbranz, Krumbach, Langenegg, Mäder, Rankweil, Thüringen, Wolfurt and Zwischenwasser. An excerpt of the Passive House legislation of the city of Altach may be taken as an example: “The city of Altach resolves that all public new builds are to be built to the Passive House Standard. […] A specific heating demand of 15 kWh/m2 is to be demonstrated by means of the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP); the use of active cooling systems is to be avoided.” Read more (in German)

As per its “Passive House Declaration” of 2008, the city of Wels will ensure that all new builds and future retrofit projects will include renewable energy and energy efficiency goals. New builds are to be both conceptualized and constructed according to the Passive House Standard. When retrofitting existing buildings, Passive House Components (insulation, windows, ventilation with heat recovery) are to be used and the Standard is to be achieved. This policy applies to all developments maintained and administrated by the city of Wels and the Wels GmbH holding company. Read more





With its new Energy Performance and Indoor Environment in Buildings Regulation, the Brussels Capital Region has adopted the targets of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive that calls for all buildings to be Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings by the end of 2020, 6 years ahead of time. Brussels' new regulation is based on the Passive House Standard, making it mandatory for all new builds as well as all retrofits as of January 2015. Read more (in French) | Read more (in Flemish)



The province of Antwerp announced on 7 June 2013 its decision to apply the Passive House Standard in all public new builds and complete renovations. This is a concrete step towards the implementation of the EU's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. This decision also supports the province's own climate plan, which aims to reach carbon neutrality by 2020. Read more (in Flemish)





Build Smart: An outline of how energy-efficient buildings are key drivers of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Passive House Canada members who are developing innovative solutions to meet the high-performance building targets outlined in Build Smart: Canada’s Buildings Strategy may be eligible for federal clean energy innovation funding. The Government of Canada’s Energy Innovation Program (EIP) received $25M over two years through Budget 2016 to support clean energy innovation. Accelerating clean technology research and development is a key component of the Government of Canada’s approach to promoting sustainable economic growth and to supporting Canada’s transition towards a low-carbon economy. More information here.


Passive House, net-zero and net-zero-ready affordable-rental buildings may qualify for the Affordable Rental Innovation Fund through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The initiative focuses on affordable-rental projects (with five or more units).  Single-family houses would not be a fit unless at least five single-family houses were constructed and operated as affordable rentals by the same operator. Townhouses and apartments are eligible. The main criteria for the Affordable Rental Innovation Fund is an innovation the lowers costs or risk associated with developing the project. More information here.


See the directory of Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy Programs in Canada here


British Columbia

The B.C. Energy Step Code supports the B.C. Building Act, by providing a consistent provincial standard for energy efficiency to replace the wide range of existing policies and programs developed by local governments. More information here.



City of Toronto Green Standard: This standard focusses on improving environmental, energy performance and resilience in new construction. It defines Tiers, similar to the BC Step Code, in which the Passive House Standard constitutes an alternative compliance path to the most recent Tier 3. More information here.



City of Vancouver's Zero Emissions Building Plan: This Plan lays out four action strategies to require the majority of new buildings in Vancouver to have no operational greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 and that all new buildings have no greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. More information here.


Projects pursuing the Passive House Standards in the City of Vancouver are eligible for review by a Certified Passive House Tradesperson city building inspector. This is available for projects of any size where the permit was issued March 1, 2017, or later. More information here.


The City of Vancouver has introduced the Zero Emission building tools in 2018. The city offers a floor-space ratio bonus of 5% for buildings that help achieve affordability, like highly energy-efficient buildings with their significantly lower operational costs. Buildings qualify as long as they consist of six or more residential units, comply with relevant city policy, and meet Passive House or ILFI Zero Energy standards. More information here.


Moreover, the city of Vancouver has released Passive House relaxation guidelines to further encourage the use of the Passive House standard in residential developments. Responding to the specific requirements of Passive House buildings, the relaxations-guidelines seek to remove "regulatory barriers to the development of zero-emission buildings such as Passive House buildings". More information hereIn addition, these simplified and expanded zoning and development regulations provide additional incentives for single-family and duplex Passive House projects.


Furthermore, the City of Vancouver supports its staff in Passive House education – both in terms of offering CoV specific introductory Passive House classes and encouraging further education and certification via Passive House Canada. In doing so, the city creates awareness within its ranks and boasts more informed staff members that are better able to shepherd PH projects through the permitting process.


More information regarding the City of Vancouver policies are available on the NAPHN Policy Resouce Guide 2019

Financial support 


Several government funding options are available in different regions and can be applied to any of the courses and exams provided by Passive House Canada. Here's a list:


British Columbia 

The B.C. Employer Training Grant program (ETG) supports skills training to address provincial labour market needs. The program is delivered by the Province of British Columbia and is funded by the Government of Canada through the Workforce Development Agreement (WDA).


Manufacturers who receive the more stringent Passive House Institute certification for their new window product lines from the Passive House Institute (PHI) are eligible to receive an incentive of $40,000 from the Province of British Columbia. Read more here.



The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their employee(s) for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees.



The Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant is an employer-driven program that: Helps businesses and non-profit organizations train new or existing employees for available jobs; and

Provides more opportunities for unemployed and underemployed workers to receive training.


Through the program, the employer contributes one-third of the training cost, while the federal and provincial governments contribute the remaining two-thirds.



The Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is an employer-driven approach to help Manitobans gain the skills they need to fill available jobs and to help employers develop the skills of their existing workers to meet the requirements of their present job, or to move into a better job.


Randy Proven zero Carbon Award

Passive House Canada is committed to expanding knowledge and skills of the Passive House Standard through all our educational offerings. Thanks to the generosity of the Randy Proven Zero Carbon Award, Passive House Canada is now able to support learners through this award.

Application deadline: August 26th, 2020



The Concerted Action Program for Maintaining Employment (PACME) was launched on April 6, 2020 and aims to provide direct support to businesses that are experiencing a reduction in their usual activities due to the effects of the VIDOC-19 pandemic, including the self-employed.


New Brunswick

The Labour Force Training program provides funding to eligible businesses and organizations to train individuals who are being considered for an available job in their company and/or to improve the skills and opportunities of their new or existing employees.


Nova Scotia

The Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive is addressed to individual businesses or an organization/association on behalf of a group of businesses. WIPSI supplements employer contributions to train full-time staff (permanently located in Nova Scotia).


Prince Edward Island

Workplace Skills Training is a program developed for employers to train new or existing employees to develop their skills and align with the needs of the business. The employer determines the type of training and who will participate and SkillsPEI can contribute up to 50% of the direct training costs.




According to the Draft Resolution of 16 July 2008, the city of Aschaffenburg committed itself to the implementation of sustainable energy-saving measures in municipal buildings as per its “Aschaffenburger Energiespar-Offensive”. Points 1 to 3 of this 16 point plan stipulate that all new builds are to be built to the Passive House Standard:
1) All new municipal builds ought to be constructed to meet Passive House Standard requirements. Deviations from this norm must be well-founded and carried out to an energy performance at least 25 percent better than that of the Germany national code (EnEV). Adherence to principles of economic and ecological sustainability is paramount.
2) Passive House training courses and excursions are to be attended by public servants and relevant departments of the City Council in order to illustrate the implementation, tendering, viability and quality assurance of the Passive House Standard.
3) The mandatory requirements for general refurbishments are target values of 25 percent below EnEV (the current energy-saving directive) as well as increased target values for thermal standards and component retrofits. Read more in German


The state of Bavaria
On 19 July 2011, the council of ministers of the State of Bavaria passed legislation regarding energy standards for public buildings stipulating that all new build administrative buildings be constructed to the Passive House Standard. In special cases, such buildings will be chosen as pilot Passive House projects.  Read more(in German)


The initiative, signed on 25 August 2009, came into force on 1 January 2010.  It stipulates that all new public buildings owned by the city of Bremen must be built according to the Passive House Standard.  The Senate emphasized that this measure facilitates the achievement of the city of Bremen’s target of reducing the CO2 emissions coming from public buildings by 50%. Read more (in German)


District of Darmstadt-Dieburg
The Da Di-Werk is in charge of construction, operation and maintenance of the 81 schools in the Darmstadt Dieburg district. Maintenance activities include all real estate properties, energy management as well as janitorial and cleaning services. According to the district’s guidelines for economic building (Wirtschaftliches Bauen), published by the building management section of Da-Di Werk, all new buildings must be designed and implemented according to the Passive House Standard, achieving a maximal annual heating demand of 15 kWh/m2. Read more (in German)


As per the Resolution of 6 September 2007, the Magistrate will ensure that all new buildings belonging to the city administration including municipal facilities and enterprises together with all the buildings that will be constructed in as part of the “PPP-Modelle” programme in the city of Frankfurt, will be conceptualised to meet the Passive House Standard requirements. In the cases where the Passive House standard cannot be achieved, this should be justified. In all instances, the minimum energetic efficiency that will be aimed at is a third of the national EnEV norms demand. Read more (in German)


The city of Freiburg, with the resolution from 22 July 2008, determines that from 2009 onwards all new residential buildings will have to follow the KfW 40 standard.  Furthermore, from 2011 onwards the Passive House standard will be mandatory. Read more (in German)


The Senate of Hamburg resolves: from 2012 onwards, municipal funding for new housing projects will be granted exclusively to Passive Houses. The municipal housing subsidies will thus gradually focus on the promotion of the construction of Passive Houses which do not use conventional heating. Read more about new builds (in German) and

about retrofitting rental buildings (in german)


One of Europe’s biggest and most innovative climate protection estates, consisting of about 300 terraced houses, semi-detached houses and detached single-family houses built to the Passive House Standard, is currently being constructed as a zero-emission estate in Wettbergen, to the south-west of Hanover. The remaining CO2 emissions for both the residual heating demand and the domestic electricity will be accounted for in a climate neutral fashion by the re-activation of an abandoned hydroelectric power plant.
Read more (in German)


New municipal builds are to meet Passive House criteria, as verified by the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). Passive House airtightness values (N50 values of less than 0.6 air changes per hour) are to be ensured through a pressure test. When selling building plots owned by the city of Heidelberg, property buyers will be obliged to construct residential and commercial buildings to the Passive House Standard through a corresponding provision in their purchasing agreements. This provision will apply to properties sold after the “Energy Concept 2010” (Energiekonzeption 2010) comes into force. Exceptions to the Passive House Standard are permitted in case of technical or economic unfeasibility. The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP), which is to be submitted to the Municipal Agency for Environmental Protection, Trade Supervision and Energy (Amt für Umweltschutz, Gewerbeaufsicht und Energie) during the building permit application period, shall be the basis of the calculations. Read More (in German)


The state of Hesse
As of September 2010, all public building projects must show energy performance that is, on average, 50% better than that stipulated by the national energy norms of 2009 (EnEV 2009),  equal to Passive House levels of energy efficiency.

Read more (in German)


On 26 April 2010 the operating committee of the municipal building industry, together with the votes of the SPD, Green and FDP parties, resolved that as of that date, all new buildings in the city of Cologne must be designed under the Passive House concept. Read more (in German)


New municipal buildings must fulfill Passive House Standard requirements and are to be conceptualized accordingly (e. g., an annual heating demand of 75 percent). The Passive House Standard shall be met, whenever possible. In case this standard cannot be met for technical or economic reasons, a justification must be given. Read more (in German)


As part of its climate protection efforts, the city of Koblenz is committed to promoting the implementation of the Passive House Standard. In the development area of Asterstein, at least 120 Passive House buildings are to be built. A majority of these properties are aligned to the south and allows for a great variety of innovative architecture. Read more (in German)


According to Resolution No. RBIV-1138/08 of 19 March 2008, the Mayor or the city of Leipzig is asked to ensure that all new buildings belonging to the city administration, municipal facilities and municipal enterprises, as well as all the new buildings of the “PPP-Modelle” program in Leipzig, are built under the Passive House standard and are conceptualised accordingly. Read more (in German)

On 16 February 2009, the City Council of Leverkusen resolved that all new buildings to be constructed must reach the Passive House standard. Accordingly, the target output for old buildings will be to reach this standard to 50%. Read more (in German)


District of Lippe
The administration is commissioned to plan and construct all new buildings to the Passive House Standard with a heating requirement of 15 kWh/m2. Passive House Components are to be applied when retrofitting existing buildings in order to achieve the Passive House Standard. Read more (in German)


Lohfelden – Lindenberg
The municipality of Lohfelden is currently in the final planning stage of the Passive House district Lindenberg. These energy-conserving and environmentally friendly Passive House buildings take into account the locally stipulated climate protection targets. Read more (in German)


Construction of the student dorm “Boeselagerstraße“, one of Europe’s largest Passive House districts, was completed in May 2014. It provides housing for 535 students in total. Read more (in German)


In accordance with the building guidelines of the city of Nuremberg, all new building projects will implement the Passive House Standard.  In order to provide proof of this, the presentation of the current PHPP calculations is required. Read more (in German)


Offenbach Harbour – Mainviertel
For its new city quarter known as the “Mainviertel”, the City Assembly of Offenbach passed a resolution dictating that property buyers and developers sign an urban development contract with the city of Offenbach in which all parties commit to reducing the energy demand of the buildings through higher thermal standards. Passive House criteria are to be met for 50 percent of the gross floor area. Read More (in German)


The state of Rhineland-Palatinate
As of 2010 and as part of the goal to have a CO2 neutral State administration, all plans municipal new builds and renovations must be analysed to see whether these buildings can be feasibly constructed as Passive House buildings.
Read more (in German)

The state of Saarland
According to the coalition contract of the government of Saarland, all public new builds must be built to the Passive House Standard whereas the Standard will serve as a guideline for all renovations of public buildings owned by the State. Any deviation from this norm must be well founded. Read more (in German)


In 1993, the city of Ulm resolved to implement increased thermal standards for new builds within the municipal area. The new Passive House district "Im Sonnenfeld" is taking this trend to the next level: The city of Ulm, in co-operation with regional and supra-regional investors, architects, energy consultants as well as the building trade, built this development of up to 104 row and semi-detached houses completely to the Passive House Standard. Read more (in German)


The community council of Walldorf passed an energy programme on 20 July 2010 that requires all municipal new builds to be built to the Passive House Standard and to make use of renewable energy, where possible. All new buildings constructed on any property for sale by the city must achieve Passive House Standard. Read more (in German)

Financial support on the national level


What is funded: Passive Houses are funded for either “Energy Efficient Construction” and/or “Energy Efficient Retrofits”
KfW Bank
Funding type:
low, fixed interest loans with no repayment on principal required during the first several years
Funding amount:
Up to EUR 50,000 per housing unit for energy efficient construction and up to EUR 75,000 housing unit for energy efficient retrofits
Where to apply:
local German banks
Who can apply:
Private individuals, building companies, municipalities, and other public bodies
Combinable with other funding:
yes, with the KfW Property Ownership Programme

KfW Bank
Palmengartenstrasse 5-9
60325 Frankfurt am Main



Tel: +49 (0) 1801 / 33 55 77
Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 202 64 55 49
Hours: Monday – Friday from 7:30 - 18:30



Interest rates by fax:
+49 (0) 69 / 74 31 42 14 Current Interest Rates (in German)

Funding programmes and financial aid at the regional, federal and EU level: (in German)

Funding databank for construction, retrofitting, renovation and energy efficiency: (in German)

Funding programmes for Passive Houses and energy efficient components:
As Passive Houses are simply further developed low energy buildings, all funding applying to low energy homes can also be taken advantage of for Passive Houses.


KfW Einzelmaßnahmenprogramm für Sanierung


Energieeffizient Sanieren - Investitionszuschuss (Zuschuss 430)

Grant for the complete renovation or individual energy measures

Funding amount: Grant of up to EUR 48,000 for the renovation of a KfW Efficiency House or EUR 10,000 for individual measures. Also for the purchase of renovated housing.

Who can apply: For private owners.


Energieeffizient Bauen und Sanieren – Zuschuss Baubegleitung (Zuschuss 431)

For the planning and construction supervision by an energy efficiency expert

Funding amount: Grant of up to 4,000 euros. KfW covers 50% of the costs of an energy efficiency expert (only for experts listed in the Deutschen Energie-Agentur list (DENA). 

Who can apply: Those who renovate or build new housing to improve energy efficiency. Also suitable for issuing certificates for sustainable building. 

It can only be used in combination with promotional products 151, 152, 430 or 153


Financial support on the regional level


Region: Baden-Württemberg

Local funding programmes



What is funded: Passive House structures of 1 to 3, 4 to 7 and 8 or more housing units are funded with grants of EUR 5,000, EUR 7,500 and EUR 10,000 respectively.
Funder: The City of Friedrichshafen, Bureau of Environmental Protection

The City of Friedrichshafen
Bureau of Environmental Protection
Eckenerstrasse 11
88046 Friedrichshafen

Tel: +49 (0) 7541 / 203 - 15 01
Fax: +49 (0) 7541 / 203-339



What is funded: Single-family Passive Houses are funded with a grant of EUR 10,000 EUR and apartment buildings with grants of EUR 70 per square metre, up to EUR 7,000 per living unit. 
Funder: The City of Heidelberg, Bureau of Environmental Protection, Energy and Health

The City of Heidelberg
Bureau of Environmental Protection, Energy and Health
Kornmarkt 1
69117 Heidelberg

Tel: +49 (0) 6221 / 58 18 140; +49 (0) 6221 / 58 18 270,
Website: (in German under Umwelt und Gesundheit)



What is funded: Passive Houses are funded with grants of up to EUR 5,000 for single and double-family homes, and with grants of EUR 25 per square metre up to EUR 2,500 per living unit for apartment buildings.  
Funder: The City of Ulm

The City of Ulm
City Council

89070 Ulm

Tel: +49 (0) 731 / 161 6102




Dún Laoghaire, Rathdown
Dún Laoghaire, Rathdown has become the first municipality in the world requiring full Passive House (with PHPP) for all new construction. The 2016-22 County Development Plan (CDP) requires all new buildings to be Passive House standard or equivalent. Read more


All new buildings in south-east Dublin must be built to the passive house standard or demonstrably equivalent levels. Read More




Financial support on the national level


Superbonus 110%


The Superbonus is a benefit introduced by the "Decreto Rilancio" which raises to 110% the deduction rate for expenses incurred for specific energy efficiency interventions, earthquake-resistant interventions, installation of photovoltaic systems or infrastructures for recharging electric vehicles in buildings. Read more (in Italian)


Financial support on the regional level


Municipality of Muzzan, Province of Biella


Certified Passive Houses are eligible for a 60% reduction in construction permitting fees (primary and secondary planning fees as well as a construction cost based fee) with a maximum discount of €20,000 for each building. Read more (in Italian)


Municipality of Botticino, Province of Brescia


Certified Passive Houses are eligible for a 15% reduction in primary and secondary planning fees. Read more (in Italian)



As of 2017, all residential new builds are required to be built to the Passive House Standard. Read more (in German)





In 2010, the city of Oslo resolved that as of 2014, all public new builds are to be built to the Passive House Standard. Read more (in Norwegian)




Villamediana de Iregua
In June 2013, the municipality of Villamediana de Iregua passed a master plan, mandating that all public new builds must fulfil the Passive House Standard. In addition, 10% of all dwellings built within new urban development areas must be passive. This master plan makes Villamediana de Iregua the first Spanish municipality to adopt the Passive House Standard in its urban development policies. Read more (in Spanish)


The Official Association of Surveyors and Technical Architects of (COAATCC) has committed to passive construction; this is the first step is taken in a region that lacks buildings under the Passive House Standard Read more




Multifamily Green Financing

Under their Green Financing Loans options for multifamily properties, Fannie Mae now offers preferential pricing for projects certified by a select number of green building certification programs, including the PHI Passive House, EnerPHit and PHI Low Energy Building Standards! Read more


City of San Francisco

The City of San Francisco has included Passive House projects that aim for Passive House or EnerPHit certification in their list of options for fast-track planning approval.

Read more


Marin County, CA

The Marin County Board of Supervisors amended their building code in 2013 and included the following definitions: “Passive House” means a building that meets the Passive House standards as developed by the Passive House Institute, Germany, providing cost-effective energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and comfort through modeling using the PHPP energy-modeling program. It further notes “The applicable green building rating system shall be that which is most recently adopted by Build It Green or the U.S. Green Building Council or the Passive House Institute.”  The Marin code can be found here.


New York City, NY

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a policy One City: Built to Last in September 2014, to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings city-wide by 2050. The policy states that New York City will look to “Passive House, carbon neutral, or `zero net energy’ strategies to inform the standards.” In fact, Passive House is the only building energy efficiency standard noted in the plan. Read the whole policy report here, and the NYPH press release here.

Community Board One in downtown Manhattan, an important civic leader, incorporating the World Trade Center, Wall Street, City Hall and Chinatown areas, in December 2014 overwhelmingly passed a resolution in support of the International Passive House Standard.  It reads in part:  “…CB 1 supports the investigation of the implementation of the PH Standard for its potential application to new construction and renovation in our community. It also encourages the completion of a public project in Lower Manhattan to demonstrate a zero-net energy standard and cost saving potentials…”  Read the whole resolution here.


The NYSERDA initiative is a support program for mid and high-rise multifamily building. More information can be found here.


Manhattan Borough Board Resolution urges New York City administration to leverage its eco-leadership in construction, finance, and innovation with an integrated promotional and green awareness campaign to gain support from government agencies and officials, developers, contractors, unions, real estate, buyers, and the public and to normalize a zero net energy standard and the use of renewable energy in our city and across our country. More information here.


More information regarding the North American policies are available on the NAPHN Policy Resouce Guide 2019

The state of Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), formed by the Pennsylvania legislature to provide affordable homeownership, now provides incentives for Passive House compliance of multi-family buildings. Under the heading of “Energy Efficiency Goals”, Passive House is the only standard listed, reading in part; “The development meets/will meet Passive House Certification for energy efficiency.” Read more

info@passivehouse-international.orgInternational Passive House Association
The international network for Passive House knowledge
Promoting the Passive House Standard worldwide

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